Content section

There are some tools for manage the content section from global Layout design.

Viewlet manager

The Viewlet manager is a tools let you manages the viewlet(s) and view(s) that are contains in the default layout.


If you are the Zope User Admin or you have privileges to Site administrator can be access to the viewlets manager via the browser view @@manage-viewlets from the Site root like this URL http://localhost:8081/Plone/@@manage-viewlets

The @@manage-viewlets browser page at Plone

The @@manage-viewlets browser page at Plone.

Portlet manager

The Portlet manager is a tools let you manages the portlet(s) that are in the left and right columns from the default layout.


If you are the Zope User Admin or you have privileges to Site administrator can be access to the portlets manager via the browser view @@manage-portlets from the Site root like this URL http://localhost:8081/Plone/@@manage-portlets

The @@manage-portlets browser page at Plone

The @@manage-portlets browser page at Plone.

Content Well Portlets

The Products.ContentWellPortlets package that enables you to add portlets to the central column in a page.

  • This product enables you to put portlets in places other than right and left columns, specifically:

    • Underneath global navigation but above portal-columns so it spans the width of the page
    • above the main heading (h1) of the page
    • at the base of the page, above the footer
    • in the footer well

    In each area, you can add up to three columns of portlets.

  • You should use CSS (in the custom folder in portal_skins tool, or in your own theme product) to configure how these portlets should appear relative to each other and to the content.

  • This may allow you to create distinctive layouts for pages, folders, etc without having to write new Zope Page Templates


To add portlets in header

  1. Log into your Plone site as a Manager (or someone else with the Portlets: Manage portlets permission)
  2. Go to the place in your site where you want portlets. For example:
  3. Bring up a management page by either
    1. Clicking the Add, edit or remove a portlet in the header area that spans columns one and two plus the content area link [0]; or
    2. Adding /@@manage-portletsinheader to the end of the URL and hitting “return”
  4. You should see a management page entitled Manage portlets in header This gives you the option to add portlets in one or more of three columns like theses In Header Portlet A, In Header Portlet B, In Header Portlet C, In Header Portlet D, In Header Portlet E and In Header Portlet F. You can add as many portlets in each column as you like Other commands (reordering, hiding, blocking portlets) are the same as for the right and left columns
[0]Note: if you are in a folder that has a default page, this will take you to a screen where you can add portlets to that page. If you want to add portlets to all the pages in the folder, make sure you are on the folder rather than the default page (e.g. by clicking the Contents: tab) before clicking the link.


TODO a screenshot for this section

To add portlets above the content

  1. Log into your Plone site as a Manager (or someone else with the Portlets: Manage portlets permission)
  2. Go to the place in your site where you want portlets. For example:
  3. Bring up a management page by either
    1. Clicking the “add, edit or remove portlets link” [1]; or
    2. Adding /@@manage-portletsabovecontent to the end of the URL and hitting “return”
  4. You should see a management page entitled Manage portlets above content This gives you the option to add portlets in one or more of three columns like theses Portlet well A, Portlet well B, Portlet well C, Portlet well D, Portlet well E and Portlet well F. You can add as many portlets in each column as you like Other commands (reordering, hiding, blocking portlets) are the same as for the right and left columns
[1]Note: if you are in a folder that has a default page, this will take you to a screen where you can add portlets to that page. If you want to add portlets to all the pages in the folder, make sure you are on the folder rather than the default page (e.g. by clicking the Contents: tab) before clicking the link.


TODO a screenshot for this section

To add portlets below the content

Follow the above instructions, but instead of clicking the Add, edit or remove a portlet above the content link or adding /@@manage-portletsabovecontent to the URL:

  1. Click the Add, edit or remove a portlet below the content link; or
  2. Add /@@manage-portletsbelowcontent to the end of the URL


TODO a screenshot for this section

Technical details

  • The product adds two new viewlets; within each of these are three portlet managers (specified in portlets.xml file) For details of exactly which viewlet managers these viewlets slot into:
    • see configure.zcml file in Products/ContentWellPortlets/browser directory
    • or install the product, go to your Plone site and add /@@manage-viewlets to the URL


The collective.cover package for edit to create front pages and other composite pages.


  • A Content Type object called Cover.
  • A Layout editor for change the layout and grid initially defined.
  • A Compose editor for adding the objects in the places defined at Layout editor.

Use cases

Suppose you are running The Planet, a news site that has a bunch of editors focused on getting news on different topics, like Economy, Health or Sports.

If you are the main publisher of the site, you may want to delegate the construction of the cover page of the Economy section to the people working on that content area, but you might not want them messing around the Sports section as well.

Also, suppose you have the final game of the World Cup and the match is going to be defined on penalties: you may want to prepare a couple of cover pages and publish the right one focused on the team that won in the end.

These are the kind of issues we want to solve with this package; we are still far from it, but that is the idea.


You can add a layout via a new Content Type object called Cover via the Add new… dropdown menu.

Content Type object called "Cover"

A Content Type object called Cover.

Later you can access to Layout editor via the Layout tab.

Layout editor for "collective.cover"

Layout editor for collective.cover.

When you done the changes in the Layout editor, you can access to Compose editor via the Compose tab.

Compose editor for "collective.cover"

Compose editor for collective.cover.

The you can see the layout rendered via the View tab.


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Mega drop

The collective.megadrop package integrates a dropdown menu that presents primary and secondary navigation in the Plone global navigation.

The "megadrop" menu in the Plone global navigation

The “megadrop” menu in the Plone global navigation.

Bootstrap in TinyMCE

The vs.bootstrap.tinymce package is part of the Diazo Bootstrap framework to add the Bootstrap css classes for TinyMCE editor in Plone.

You can access to TinyMCE editor control panel:

  • at the top right corner of the page click on the Admin drop down menu
  • choose Site Setup
  • click on TinyMCE Visual Editor
The TinyMCE control panel

The TinyMCE control panel.

Later you can use TinyMCE editor and adding the new Bootstrap css classes in Plone:

The "Menu Styles" from TinyMCE editor

The “Menu Styles” from TinyMCE editor.

Also you can use TinyMCE editor and adding the new Bootstrap Table css classes in Plone:

The "Insert/Modify Table" from TinyMCE editor

The “Insert/Modify Table” from TinyMCE editor.