jQuery support

The “Plone theming suite” includes the following jQuery libraries supported:


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.

Some features of jQuery library are the following:

Lightweight Footprint
Only 30kB minified and gzipped. Can also be included as an AMD module
CSS3 Compliant
Supports CSS3 selectors to find elements as well as in style property manipulation
Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Safari, Android, iOS, and more


More details about jQuery information https://jquery.com


The plone.app.jquery package adds the jQuery library to Plone. Version numbers of the package is the same as the jQuery library + packaging version.

jQuery 1.7 is not supported on Plone < 4.3. So if you have dependencies on plone.app.jquery package you should pin it in your buildout configuration to 1.4.4.


Note that on Plone 5, this package is no longer used.


jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user interface components for the web. These are tabs, accordions, tooltips, overlays, exposing effects and scrollables.

jQuery Tools Logo

jQuery Tools Logo.

They can dramatically improve the usability and responsiveness of your site. They mainly focus on presenting information and visual appeal. After all, this is exactly what most websites desperately want: to present their content to the reader in an easy and visually pleasing manner.

Other JavaScript UI libraries focus on desktop-like features such as drag-and-drop, ranges, sortable tables or draggable windows. They are meant to build “rich internet applications” (RIAs) such as email clients, task managers, CRM software, image organizers or feed viewers. These kinds of applications are very useful within a small group or when used in intranets; however, normal websites are very different in nature. Their purpose is to look good and present information. jQuery Tools are built exactly for that purpose.

It is recommended that you start designing your pages without using any JavaScript. There are many examples of highly functional, good looking and user friendly web sites that are not using JavaScript. The purpose of this library is to enhance an existing site with the great possibilities that modern JavaScript techniques have to offer. This is essentially the idea of “progressive enhancement” which is a common design pattern today. You should realize that highly professional sites don’t overuse JavaScript just for the fun of it. Scripting is only used when it truly makes the pages more readable and user-friendly. This is where these jQuery Tools come into play.

This library is not a framework with a steep learning curve, lots of preliminary work and strict coding rules. You are not tied to any predefined HTML or CSS structures. You can include the library on your pages and start using it immediately. You can freely design the look and feel of your site or you can use any of the designs we present in our demos as a template.

These tools can be easily combined. Think of scrollables that trigger overlays or overlays that contain scrollables together with tooltips or whatever combination you can imagine. The possibilities are endless. And if that is not enough, you can harness the enormous power of the jQuery library. Many times you see complex JavaScript components implemented that could be done with just a few lines of jQuery code. For many websites, this may be the only JavaScript library necessary.

The old UNIX design philosophy “tools, not policy” is very important in web design.


More details about jQuery Tools documentation http://jquerytools.github.io/documentation/


The plone.app.jquerytools package adds the integration of jquery.tools library to Plone.

This is used as a Plone product, adding GenericSetup profiles and control panel, or as a Zope record of resource jquery.ui.

plone.app.jquerytools adds jquery.tools and some related overlay and form-handling JavaScript libraries to Plone.


Plone developers will wish to use plone.app.jquerytools to provide DOM popups, particularly if they require AJAX. There is extensive support for AJAX form posting. It’s also useful for adding dateinput and forminput widgets that are HTML5 compatible.

The AJAX and AJAX-form support is Plone-specific, and is documented in this module. Dateinput, rangeinput, accordions, and tooltips are all unchanged from jquerytools, and the jquerytools docs should be consulted.

The plone.app.jquerytools add-on generates Forms that look like the following:

The Plone Login Form Default

The Plone Login Form Default.

Other example of Forms generating with plone.app.jquerytools look like the following:

The Plone Contact Form Default

The Plone Contact Form Default.


plone.app.jquerytools uses a jQuery 1.9+ compatible fork of jquerytools, located at: https://github.com/collective/jquerytools


jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you’re building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.

jQuery UI is built for designers and developers alike. We’ve designed all of our plugins to get you up and running quickly while being flexible enough to evolve with your needs and solve a plethora of use cases. If you’re new to jQuery UI, check out our getting started guide and other tutorials. Play around with the demos and read through the API documentation to get an idea of what’s possible.

jQuery UI Logo

The jQuery UI is support into Plone.

jquery.ui in Plone

  • The integration of jquery.ui for Plone is supported via the additional add-on called collective.js.jqueryui.
  • This is used as a Plone product, adding GenericSetup profiles and control panel, or as a Zope record of resource jquery.ui.

See also

Build jQuery UI themes with jQUIT Builder https://jquit.com


The collective.js.jqueryui package add all jquery.ui resources files to Plone 4 for integrate in your Plone theme.

You can changes to the JQueryUI settings via control panel with the following steps:

  • at the top right corner of the page click on the Admin drop down menu
  • choose Site Setup
  • at the Add-on Configuration
  • click on JQueryUI section
collective.js.jqueryui Controlpanel

The collective.js.jqueryui Controlpanel.

Clicking at the Plugins link for enabling the JQueryUI plugins settings different options, like the following items:

collective.js.jqueryui Plugins Controlpanel

The collective.js.jqueryui Plugins Controlpanel.

Clicking at the Sunburst Theme link for enabling the JQueryUI Sunburst CSS settings different options, like the following items:

collective.js.jqueryui Sunburst Theme Controlpanel

The collective.js.jqueryui Sunburst Theme Controlpanel.


The zettwerk.ui package add jquery.ui to Plone 4 for easy theme customization.


For use ThemeRoller for jquery.ui check the official main Themeroller for jQuery UI documentation.

You can changes to the Zettwerk UI settings via control panel with the following steps:

  • at the top right corner of the page click on the Admin drop down menu
  • choose Site Setup
  • at the Add-on Configuration
  • click on Zettwerk UI section
zettwerk.ui Controlpanel

The zettwerk.ui Controlpanel.

Control panel

Clicking at the Existing themes tab for select a theme from the existing ones, like the following:

zettwerk.ui Themer

The zettwerk.ui Themer.

Clicking at the Add theme tab for create a ThemeRoller download directory integration, it is possible, to download and add new themes by hand. There are two kind of themes: jquery.ui Default themes and custom ones.

To include all the default themes follow these steps:

  1. Download the zip file from http://jqueryui.com/resources/download/jquery-ui-themes-1.9.2.zip
  2. Extract the contents/subfolders of the themes folder to your zettwerk.ui download directory.
  3. Reload this page and choose a theme.

To include a custom theme follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ThemeRoller page and create your theme with the ThemeRoller tool.
  2. Click Download theme (in the ThemeRoller widget)
  3. On the next page, choose the legacy version (1.9.2 at the moment)
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page set a folder name which gets the theme name.
  5. Click download
  6. Extract the folder css/$your_theme_name to your zettwerk.ui download directory.
  7. Reload this page and choose a theme.
zettwerk.ui ThemeRoller

The zettwerk.ui ThemeRoller.

A zettwerk.ui theme applied look like the following theme:

A zettwerk.ui theme applied

A zettwerk.ui theme applied.


Optionally ThemeRoller also supports jquery.mobile library.


The jQuery Mobile library is a user interface framework based on HTML5 designed to make sensitive websites and applications (responsive) to be accessed by all smartphone devices, tablet and desktop devices.

jQuery mobile Logo

jQuery Mobile, a Touch-Optimized Web Framework

jQuery Mobile framework takes the “write less, do more” mantra to the next level: Instead of writing unique applications for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded responsive web site or application that will work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms.

Theming: Built to be branded

jQuery Mobile believe that your web site or app should feel like your brand, not any particular OS. To make building highly customized themes easy, we’ve created ThemeRoller for Mobile to make it easy to drag and drop colours and download a custom theme. For polished visuals without the bloat, we leverage CSS3 properties like text-shadow and box-shadow.

ThemeRoller For jQuery Mobile

ThemeRoller For jQuery Mobile


The zettwerk.mobile package add all jquery.mobile resources files to Plone 4 for integrate in your Plone theme.

This package have ThemeRoller support using the ThemeRoller for jQuery Mobile, them the Themes generated with it are supported via additional add-on zettwerk.mobile. It allows to manage the themes from the zettwerk.mobile themes control panel.

zettwerk.mobile Theme upload Controlpanel

The zettwerk.mobile Theme upload Controlpanel.

A zettwerk.mobile theme applied look like the following theme:

A zettwerk.mobile theme applied.

A zettwerk.mobile theme applied.

ThemeRoller WebApp

Themeroller, is a web application that offers an intuitive and pleasant interface to design and download custom themes for jquery.ui and jquery.mobile.

ThemeRoller Logo

ThemeRoller Logo.

The ThemeRoller Web application looks like the following:

ThemeRoller Web application

ThemeRoller Web application.