
The zopeskel.diazochildtheme v0.1 package include Paster templates for Plone diazotheme.frameworks bootstrap childtheme package.


This is a ZopeSkel template package for creating a skeleton Plone add-on package. The skeleton package creates a Bootstrap Diazo (diazotheme.frameworks) childtheme package and associated css and js resources for use with plone.app.theming in Plone 4.2+.

Use this package when you want to package a Diazo childtheme as a Plone add on, particularly if you need to override viewlet or skin templates in the process.


This is a development tool. You should be familiar with Plone and buildout to use it.


This package is compatible with ZopeSkel < 3.0 only.


Add-ons under development are typically created in your buildout’s src directory. Command line for creating a package named diazochildtheme.mychildtheme would be:

$ cd src/ && ../bin/zopeskel diazochildtheme diazochildtheme.mychildtheme

This will create a Python package with a directory structure like this:

|-- diazochildtheme
|   +-- mychildtheme
|       |-- diazo_resources
|       |   +-- static
|       |-- locales
|       |-- profiles
|       |   +-- default
|       +-- template_overrides
|-- diazochildtheme.mychildtheme.egg-info
+-- docs

The typically customized parts are in the follow subdirectory diazochildtheme.mychildtheme/diazochildtheme/mychildtheme .