
The zopeskel.diazotheme v1.1 package contains the following ZopeSkel templates:


This is a ZopeSkel template package for creating a skeleton Plone add-on package. The skeleton package creates a Diazo (plone.app.theming) theme package and associated css and js resources for use with plone.app.theming package in Plone 4.2+.

Use this package when you want to package a Diazo theme as a Plone add on, particularly if you need to override viewlet or skin templates in the process.


This is a development tool. You should be familiar with Plone and buildout to use it.


For use the diazotheme ZopeSkel template, execute the follow command and response the questions in the standard input from the console command:

$ cd src/ && ../bin/zopeskel diazotheme diazotheme.mytheme

This will create a Python package with a directory structure like this:

|-- diazotheme
|   +-- mytheme
|       |-- diazo_resources
|       |   +-- static
|       |-- locales
|       |-- profiles
|       |   +-- default
|       +-- template_overrides
|-- diazotheme.mytheme.egg-info
+-- docs

The typically customized parts are in the follow subdirectory diazotheme.mytheme/diazotheme/mytheme .