Bootstrap CSS based

The package themes based on Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework are the following:


The diazoframework.bootstrap package provides the diazo framework implementation of the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework using the theming and packaging features available in the diazoframework.plone core package for create Diazo theme using


They are useful for creating themes based on Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework provides the framework resources and diazo rules to reuse and add to in a Diazo theme. For documentation on the framework itself, check the website.


The diazotheme.bootstrap package is a Diazo Theme based on the diazoframework.bootstrap package. This add-on included the following themes:

Twitter Bootstrap Starter Theme

Technical details:

The Twitter Bootstrap Starter Theme aka starter, is a diazo theme that use with Sunburst Theme. A demo using it looks like the following:

Twitter Bootstrap Starter Theme

Twitter Bootstrap Starter Theme Demo at Plone front-page.

Twitter Bootstrap Hero Theme

Technical details:

The Twitter Bootstrap Hero Theme aka theme, is a diazo theme that use with Sunburst Theme. A demo using it looks like the following:

Twitter Bootstrap Hero Theme

Twitter Bootstrap Hero Theme Demo at Plone front-page.

Twitter Bootstrap Marketing Narrow Theme

Technical details:

The Twitter Bootstrap Marketing Narrow Theme aka marketing-narrow, is a diazo theme that use with Sunburst Theme. A demo using it looks like the following:

Twitter Bootstrap Marketing Narrow Theme

Twitter Bootstrap Marketing Narrow Theme at Plone front-page.


The example.bootstrap package include the following Technical details:

The resources of this theme can be reached through

To access to LESS resources files.
To access to jQuery resources files.
To access to images resources files.

There are placed at example.bootstrap/src/example/bootstrap/resources directory with following resources files:

├── img
│   ├── glyphicons-halflings.png
│   └── glyphicons-halflings-white.png
├── js
│   ├── bootstrap-alert.js
│   ├── bootstrap-button.js
│   ├── bootstrap-carousel.js
│   ├── bootstrap-collapse.js
│   ├── bootstrap-dropdown.js
│   ├── bootstrap-modal.js
│   ├── bootstrap-popover.js
│   ├── bootstrap-scrollspy.js
│   ├── bootstrap-tab.js
│   ├── bootstrap-tooltip.js
│   ├── bootstrap-transition.js
│   ├── bootstrap-typeahead.js
│   ├──
│   └── tests
│       ├── index.html
│       ├── unit
│       │   ├── bootstrap-alert.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-button.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-collapse.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-dropdown.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-modal.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-popover.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-scrollspy.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-tab.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-tooltip.js
│       │   ├── bootstrap-transition.js
│       │   └── bootstrap-typeahead.js
│       └── vendor
│           ├── jquery.js
│           ├── qunit.css
│           └── qunit.js
└── less
    ├── accordion.less
    ├── alerts.less
    ├── badges.less
    ├── bootstrap.less
    ├── breadcrumbs.less
    ├── button-groups.less
    ├── buttons.less
    ├── carousel.less
    ├── close.less
    ├── code.less
    ├── component-animations.less
    ├── dropdowns.less
    ├── forms.less
    ├── grid.less
    ├── hero-unit.less
    ├── labels.less
    ├── layouts.less
    ├── mixins.less
    ├── modals.less
    ├── navbar.less
    ├── navs.less
    ├── pager.less
    ├── pagination.less
    ├── popovers.less
    ├── progress-bars.less
    ├── reset.less
    ├── responsive.less
    ├── scaffolding.less
    ├── sprites.less
    ├── tables.less
    ├── thumbnails.less
    ├── tooltip.less
    ├── type.less
    ├── utilities.less
    ├── variables.less
    └── wells.less

A demo using the example.bootstrap add-on look like the following:


TODO Add a example.bootstrap screenshot